Year for Priests
Jesus Christ is our eternal priest according to the order of Melchizedek. As. St. Thomas Aquinas says, the proper task of the priest consists in being a mediator between God and men (S. Th. III, 22, 1.).

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Letter of Pope Benedict XVI for the up coming Year for Priests

"Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers." This means that the harvest is ready, but God wishes to enlist helpers to bring it into the storehouse. God needs them. He needs people to say: Yes, I am ready to become your...

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St. Cecilia - November 22
Legend says that she was the daughter of a Roman Christians, who gave her in marriage to a young nobleman named Valerian, despite her desire to remain a virgin. After the celebration of the marriage, the couple had retired to the wedding-chamber, Cecilia told Valerian that she was betrothed to an angel who jealously guarded her body; therefore Valerian must take care not to violate her virginity.

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