Prayer for stopping Smoking

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Through the grace of your purity, may this unclean habit cease.

From the stench of smoke, the foul taste in my mouth, the stains on my hands and teeth, pray for my release.
Hail Mary . . .

From coughing and phlegm, from polluted blood, from heart and lung disease, pray for my release.
Hail Mary . . .

From habit and slavery, pray for my release.
Hail Mary . . .

From tension, fear, and anxiety, pray for my release.
Hail Mary . . .

For health and calm and peace, pray for me.
Hail Mary . . .

Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that, by Christ redeemed, we choose to live in purity.